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Tips and Trick how to deal with job interviews

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tips and trick how to deal with job interviews be easily
This time I will share the successful experience of the person hired. Okay, below is a little tips and tricks Tips and Trick how to deal with job interviews :

  1. Learn the company first
  2. If we know the profile of the company's mission or vision, it would be thepoint for us, because usually the company providing the question " how much do you know about this company "
  3. Appearance should be attractive, not long hair( male ) and neat clothes
  4. The first impression will show our personality
  5. Turn off the HP prior to the interview
  6. the interviewer do not want any disturbance during his interview being conducted.
  7. Do not talk about anything that misses the point from the interviews
  8. Try to always be positive and truthful in answering any questions
  9. Do not put hands on the table 
  10. Try asking if there are not clear at the interview 
  11. Look the interviewer's eyes, with eyes full of spirit as if you are ready to join the work
  12. Make yourself comfortable during the interview.
  13. Pray!!
 Here are a few questions that are usually present in the interview:

 Q1 : Why are interested in working in this company?
 Q2 : What are your major weaknesses?
 Q3 : Why leave the company earlier?
 Q4 : How do you fix the problem?
 Q5 : What a proud accomplishment?
 Q6 : How much salary do you expect?
 Q7 : Can you tell us about yourself?